Avalox Hado
Dem Avalox Hado ähnliche Hölzer.
AVX HADO, Offensive, Made in Japan. The AVX HADO is one of the first -ever- 9-ply Hinoki blades. All plies are made from the rare Kiso-Hinoki wood, grown only in Japan and harvested under very strict conditions. The nine plies of this soft, precious wood interact to achieve a surprisingly soft touch. A long dwell time allows a top spin stroke to "hold on" to the ball, which produces an extreme amount of spin.
Avalox Hado Werte:
- Tempo: 9.0
- Kontrolle: 10.5
- Griff-Form: gerade, anatomisch, konkav
Ähnliche Tischtennishölzer
Das Hado ist auf tischtennis-db eingetragen in...
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