Avalox Blue Thunder 550
Weitere Tischtennishölzer aus der Avalox BLUE Serie....
BLUE THUNDER 550, Offensive-. Made in Sweden. The AVALOX BLUE THUNDER 550 has been called "The dream blade". With the increasing realization that in the modern game fuller contact with the ball leads to a high speed, some players found that they didn't need as much speed from the blade, but could benefit immensely from a more distinct trampoline effect and the higher racket speed made possibly by lower weight. The 550 gives you all that- and more.
Avalox Blue Thunder 550 Werte:
- Tempo: 8.0
- Kontrolle: 9.5
- Gewicht: ca 82 Gramm
- Griff-Form: gerade, konkav, penholder, anatomisch
- Spielsystem OFF-
- Schichten: 5 Holz
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Avalox Blue Thunder 550 Werte
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